Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Tech Tools for Teaching

Got Technology? 

Can technology help to support your students through personalized learning, visual representations, digital tools, and online activities to support making connections and explaining their thinking?

A meta-analysis of the effect of technology on mathematics achievement showed statistically significant gains across the K-12 classroom (Slavin & Chung, 2013). Students who reported their teachers used computers frequently as a way to demonstrate new topics had higher levels of math achievement (House, 2011). 

Mathematics knowledge was also positively related to the use of multimedia strategies for elementary students (Weiss, Kramarski, & Tails, 2006). These findings suggest the role of technology does make a significant impact in students’ academic achievement in mathematics. 

Moreover the findings suggest the use of technology should not be limited to one instructional approach or methodology. Teachers should vary how they use technology from showing a video clip of a math related concept, to providing practice of mathematics facts and concepts through technology tools and resources.

As a technology advocate, teacher educator, and mother, I want my students and children to know how technology can support learning and instruction.  Dr. Ruben Peuntedura, coined the SAMR model as a way to articulate the level of technology integration across a continuum.  SAMR is an acronym for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. 

This framework is important to consider when integrating technology, in terms of the level of cognitive demand.  However teachers must also consider the function of technology when designing instruction.  Will technology be used to: assess, present, display, demonstration, create or gamify learning?  

If students are working on a project-based learning task, then digital tools that support students in the creation phase of their project might be useful to consider, whereas teachers who are explaining a concept might need virtual manipulatives to help students construct a model.   

As such I have created a classification of technology tools in relation to mathematics instruction.  Have fun, take a look and share your teaching ideas and technology tools with me.
Click Here for the Google Sheet 

Digital Assessment Tools: understand your learners and what they know, need to know or have learned. 

Blended Learning: personalized and provide additional support or challenge using a blended learning program. 

Calculation Tools:  calculating data and displaying information with pictoral and symbolic representations. 

Creation Tools: express ideas and show what they know via multimedia and video recording. 

Collaboration Tools:  students share ideas, resources and work collaboratively on different devices at the same time. 

Construction Tools:  create a mathematical model using either real world images or virtual pieces. 

Connectivity Tools: share  ideas and/or products of learning, with other people in a virtual space. 

Gamify:  ask questions and provide immediate feedback. 

Math Tasks: Rigorous math tasks that allow students to problem solve and think deeply about a concept. 

Presentation: share ideas in a presentation format. 

Productivity: support you and your students in organizing ideas for self-regulation. 

Video: used to demonstrate a concept or express a related math idea.

Got technology tools, tips, ideas or just want to share an idea? Please leave a comment below, and join our discussion on Facebook

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1 comment:

  1. Technology development is really helpful on your kids career and now a days classes are moving towards online, even the PSLE tuition are also adopted online system. when it comes to maths tuition, technology helps in providing infographic examples to understand easy.
